Monday, August 18, 2008

A Purpose-driven Debate!

Wow! Saturday Night Live at Saddleback! What a different style of political debate! Kudos to Pastor Rick Warren for getting both candidates to appear on Saturday night’s discussion. His format was a master stroke.

This may have been the best political discussion of the entire election season. One moderator, same series of questions put to one candidate and then the other. No sniping, no grandstanding, no character assassination, just straight questions; you decide. Can’t think of a better format, can you?

Finally, someone was taking issue with the judiciary legislating from the bench! It was refreshing to see it addressed.

Several questions and their answers served to accentuate the differences between the two candidates. Some of the more illuminating questions posed included: “What was your greatest moral failure?” “What was your most agonizing decision?” “Relating to Supreme Court Justice choices, with whom are you most disappointed?” “Name three people with whom you would consult in a crisis.” “When does a fetus acquire human rights?” Penetrating questions, illuminating answers.

I’d sure like to see a rematch in this same venue in the future…

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