Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Obama World Tour!

You’ve got to hand it to Obama’s handlers: They’re running a superlative campaign, creating an impression of substance – out of thin air.

Bernie Goldberg got it right on the money last night on Fox News, in his commentary with Bill O’Reilly. Obama’s too young to have had any effect on the Cold War, has had nothing to do with the Iraq war at all, and has no record of achievement during his short stint in Congress.

It really doesn’t matter what Obama says during his Middle East whistle-stops. The words evaporate within an hour. But the visual impression of “statesmanship” remains long afterwards.

Question: Will the American voter be astute enough to see through this or will he/she be drawn in by style without substance? It looks like the mainstream media has already succumbed, with every major news channel anchor eagerly riding along on the tour, while McCain remains at home, all but ignored.

Time will tell.

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