Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Michelle's Apple Pie Speech!

Watching the DNC convention tonight brings back a comment made today on Tom Sullivan’s afternoon radio show. While Jessie Jackson’s candidacy might be considered that of a black man who happened to be running for President, we’re now looking at a candidate running for President who merely happens to be black. So, what’s the point? Perhaps it’s this: We’ve come a very long way. And despite certain democrat operatives claims about the "race card" having been played,the shattering realization is the fact that this candidacy isn’t about race; it’s about judgment, experience and honesty.

But wait, there’s more. Despite the “baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and Chevrolet” display, we need to keep a key fact in mind: This candidate has the most liberal voting record in the Senate.

Moreover, He’s got troubling ties with a church and certain individuals who have a long-running, abiding hatred of America. Whoever crafted this love fest made sure there was no mention of angry black pastors or left-wing crazy friends - just good, old-fashioned Americana. He/she did a masterful job, right down to Michelle’s speech and bringing out the daughters for “ad-lib” comments with daddy in a remote location. Am I that cynical? Maybe so. It was a brilliant performance, nonetheless.

Rush Limbaugh nailed it this morning, aptly calling last night’s performance a careful repackaging of the Obama “brand”.

Will voters buy it in November? We’ll see.

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