Thursday, May 8, 2008

Limbaugh, "The Spoiler"?

Regarding the hubbub over perceptions that conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh is somehow manipulating the Dems’ primaries through “Operation Chaos”, here’s the scoop:

Rush Limbaugh doesn’t control anything, nor does he command an army of brain-dead sycophants, eager to do his bidding. He’s merely pointing out the obvious, and it’s this: If you want to hold a series of primary elections to determine your party’s candidate this fall, you DO NOT invite the opposition to attend. It’s simply not done!

It’s eminently apparent that the liberal faithful believe Limbaugh is part of a “massive right-wing conspiracy”, bent on controlling American society, but here’s the unvarnished reality: Talk radio and specifically, conservative talk radio exists because the American public wants it. Ratings and advertising revenues prove it. As much as progressives would like to see otherwise, American commercial radio programming is determined solely by public demand. That‘s why “progressive“ or “liberal” radio like “Air America” isn‘t as successful. Not much of a market for it.

That's the American "free enterprise" system at work...

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