Sunday, December 13, 2009

Captain Kirk vs. Rush Limbaugh!

Quite by accident, I happened to catch a “Shatner’s Raw Nerve” segment today, featuring an interview with Rush Limbaugh. William Shatner (Captain Kirk of Star Trek fame and more recently seen in Boston Legal) hosts a half-hour segment featuring probing conversations with the noted and the notable in a relaxed, congenial ambiance. Unscripted and free-flowing, it’s always interesting to watch.

It was unexpectedly refreshing to see these two have an animated, yet cordial discussion about a number of topics, including what it means to be conservative. It branched out into Limbaugh’s take on what the Obama Administration is really trying to achieve with health care reform, etc., which is, in effect, to extend maximum control over as many Americans as possible, (a fact that I happen to believe is spot on). Limbaugh laid it all out on the line in his usual articulate and compelling manner. Great interview!

Which leads me to this: Do you get the feeling that the Obama forces are pedaling as fast as they can to keep us distracted on a number of fronts, hoping to get their socialist agenda entrenched before too many of us wake up and stop it? Doesn’t it seem like there’s just too much happening at once?

First, Harry Reid is trying to snooker the public with a “public option” end run, by announcing a Senate deal in the works to expand Medicare coverage to include those 55 and older. There’s even been talk of covering folks as young as 45! One way or another, that equates to a form of public option!

Next, Obama’s in Copenhagen, laying the groundwork from some international climate treaty, with the potential to force “Cap ‘n’ Trade” (and Lord knows what else) down our throats.

In addition, we’ve got the EPA conveniently declaring that carbon dioxide is now officially a pollutant in their eyes, even though it’s an inextricable part of the life cycle? This apparently could provide an avenue to pursue “Cap ‘n’ Trade” via the regulatory side, in the event Obama is unable to jam it through Congress as legislation.

Democrats are running so fast to get this stuff into law, one way or another, before tables are turned in next year’s elections and they’re tossed out of office. What next? Oh, yes! A mammoth spending package - just what we need in this soggy economy! This Administration is of the belief that it can spend its way out of a recession, no matter what! Too bad they don’t remember the lessons of history. Henry Morgenthau, Roosevelt’s Treasury Secretary wrote of that Administration’s attempt to do the very same thing. At least Morgenthau had the moral courage to admit that it was a monumental mistake. Apparently, what really brought the U.S. out of the depression was World War II.

Now, if the Obamanistas would only listen…

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