Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Voted tonight.

Filled out my mail-in ballot tonight. Hate to admit that it was not a very satisfying experience. Once again, I was holding my nose, filling in a block – not in support of a candidate I truly believed in, but voting instead against someone who’s worse; someone who I’m convinced if elected will cause my country irreparable harm. I’m deeply afraid that if Obama is elected, he’ll be the worst disaster to hit this nation since Jimmy Carter. His presidency will drive this nation so far left, it will take decades to repair the damage.

As a fellow former Navy pilot, I stand in awe of John McCain’s military record, especially while captive in North Vietnam. But sadly, on a political basis, he just doesn’t speak to me or for me. Ann Coulter considers him the worst possible choice as a GOP candidate and I’m not that far behind her. Surely, the Republican Party could have done better?

If McCain does manage to win next week, it won’t be because of his wit, charisma, leadership or magnetism. It will be because enough voters realized at the last minute that what Obama has in store for America in terms of “change” isn’t what they envisioned

I’ll be glad when this enervating election cycle is finally over. It’s gone on far too long and become too irritating. It’s now so polarized, that I don’t even want to discuss politics anymore with certain members of the extended family. Everybody just gets angry. Some of them consider Obama to be the “second coming”, while McCain is looked upon as the anti-christ.

C’mon Tuesday! Let’s just get this mess over with!

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