Okay, okay! I get it! The Sacramento Bee is a determined liberal rag! Witness the latest guest opinion slam against Sarah Palin: “Palin doesn’t let the facts impede a good manifesto” by Michelle Goldberg, who incidentally, writes for the “The American Prospect – Liberal Intelligence”. This, a publication so unabashedly left-wing, that their mission statement is as follows: “At the dawn of a new progressive era and a time of economic transformation for the United States and the world, The American Prospect will strengthen the capacity of activists, engaged citizens, and public officials to pursue new policies and new possibilities for social justice. The Prospect was founded in 1990 by Robert Kuttner, Robert Reich, and Paul Starr as an authoritative magazine of liberal ideas, committed to a just society, an enriched democracy, and effective liberal politics…”
A bit of perspective on the above: the term “social justice” is generally considered a leftist euphemism for socialism. And co-founder Robert Reich (former Clinton Labor Secretary) is remembered as saying that care must be taken to prevent TARP/stimulus money from going to “white male construction workers”!
So what is it about Palin that makes liberals go all frothy at the mouth? Is it the fact that she resonates well with conservatives, yet appeals to middle-of-the-roaders as well? Perhaps most progressives believe she's a far more formidable potential candidate than many realize.
Wouldn’t it be refreshing to see something published in the same paper that reflects what the real world thinks of her? You know – the “un-American tea-baggers/Astroturfers/great unwashed?” Those, who don’t believe she’s the “dragon lady” who keeps liberals awake at night, but rather someone who reflects the values most Americans believe in? Okay, I guess in the leftist world view, we’d all be better off to shut up and meekly get in line, for Obama’s brand of creeping socialism. It’s just that it’s so tiring to hear the same old progressive rant shouted by one hard-core liberal propaganda organ after another…
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