Sunday, December 13, 2009

Captain Kirk vs. Rush Limbaugh!

Quite by accident, I happened to catch a “Shatner’s Raw Nerve” segment today, featuring an interview with Rush Limbaugh. William Shatner (Captain Kirk of Star Trek fame and more recently seen in Boston Legal) hosts a half-hour segment featuring probing conversations with the noted and the notable in a relaxed, congenial ambiance. Unscripted and free-flowing, it’s always interesting to watch.

It was unexpectedly refreshing to see these two have an animated, yet cordial discussion about a number of topics, including what it means to be conservative. It branched out into Limbaugh’s take on what the Obama Administration is really trying to achieve with health care reform, etc., which is, in effect, to extend maximum control over as many Americans as possible, (a fact that I happen to believe is spot on). Limbaugh laid it all out on the line in his usual articulate and compelling manner. Great interview!

Which leads me to this: Do you get the feeling that the Obama forces are pedaling as fast as they can to keep us distracted on a number of fronts, hoping to get their socialist agenda entrenched before too many of us wake up and stop it? Doesn’t it seem like there’s just too much happening at once?

First, Harry Reid is trying to snooker the public with a “public option” end run, by announcing a Senate deal in the works to expand Medicare coverage to include those 55 and older. There’s even been talk of covering folks as young as 45! One way or another, that equates to a form of public option!

Next, Obama’s in Copenhagen, laying the groundwork from some international climate treaty, with the potential to force “Cap ‘n’ Trade” (and Lord knows what else) down our throats.

In addition, we’ve got the EPA conveniently declaring that carbon dioxide is now officially a pollutant in their eyes, even though it’s an inextricable part of the life cycle? This apparently could provide an avenue to pursue “Cap ‘n’ Trade” via the regulatory side, in the event Obama is unable to jam it through Congress as legislation.

Democrats are running so fast to get this stuff into law, one way or another, before tables are turned in next year’s elections and they’re tossed out of office. What next? Oh, yes! A mammoth spending package - just what we need in this soggy economy! This Administration is of the belief that it can spend its way out of a recession, no matter what! Too bad they don’t remember the lessons of history. Henry Morgenthau, Roosevelt’s Treasury Secretary wrote of that Administration’s attempt to do the very same thing. At least Morgenthau had the moral courage to admit that it was a monumental mistake. Apparently, what really brought the U.S. out of the depression was World War II.

Now, if the Obamanistas would only listen…

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sarah Palin: Why is the left so afraid of her?

Okay, okay! I get it! The Sacramento Bee is a determined liberal rag! Witness the latest guest opinion slam against Sarah Palin: “Palin doesn’t let the facts impede a good manifesto” by Michelle Goldberg, who incidentally, writes for the “The American Prospect – Liberal Intelligence”. This, a publication so unabashedly left-wing, that their mission statement is as follows: “At the dawn of a new progressive era and a time of economic transformation for the United States and the world, The American Prospect will strengthen the capacity of activists, engaged citizens, and public officials to pursue new policies and new possibilities for social justice. The Prospect was founded in 1990 by Robert Kuttner, Robert Reich, and Paul Starr as an authoritative magazine of liberal ideas, committed to a just society, an enriched democracy, and effective liberal politics…”

A bit of perspective on the above: the term “social justice” is generally considered a leftist euphemism for socialism. And co-founder Robert Reich (former Clinton Labor Secretary) is remembered as saying that care must be taken to prevent TARP/stimulus money from going to “white male construction workers”!

So what is it about Palin that makes liberals go all frothy at the mouth? Is it the fact that she resonates well with conservatives, yet appeals to middle-of-the-roaders as well? Perhaps most progressives believe she's a far more formidable potential candidate than many realize.

Wouldn’t it be refreshing to see something published in the same paper that reflects what the real world thinks of her? You know – the “un-American tea-baggers/Astroturfers/great unwashed?” Those, who don’t believe she’s the “dragon lady” who keeps liberals awake at night, but rather someone who reflects the values most Americans believe in? Okay, I guess in the leftist world view, we’d all be better off to shut up and meekly get in line, for Obama’s brand of creeping socialism. It’s just that it’s so tiring to hear the same old progressive rant shouted by one hard-core liberal propaganda organ after another…

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Where's the transparency?

Remember the Obama/Pelosi/Reid pledges to bring transparency and openness back to the legislative process? Where is it? Over the last several weeks there's been nothing but closed doors and secret meetings while a secluded group of Democrats wrangle over the final version of a health care reform bill. The obvious message: Republicans need not apply.

Door lock changes and closed rooms to exclude GOP participation sure don't seem like "transparency" to me. Why such a need for secrecy? What are the Dems afraid of? Are they concerned that we might get wind of yet another public option "gotcha" they've dreamed up?

Is this Obama's idea of transparency?

White House Arrogance: Obama's War with FOX News!

In addition to having his lieutenants try to marginalize FOX News by referring to it as "not really a news organization", Obama has escalated the conflict even further: On Thursday, White House press pool representatives were invited to interview Obama "pay czar" Ken Feinberg, regarding recent developments - everyone, that is, except FOX News reps. Fox was officially excluded from the opportunity.

The remaining four networks discussed the situation and later informed the White House that unless Fox was invited, they would all decline to participate.

In the face of this united front, the White House backed down.

Thankfully, in this circumstance, the "mainstreamers" recognized the threat to their autonomy and rose to the occasion. Is the fifth column finally waking up to the Obama threat to free speach? Let's hope so!

Speaking of that, kudos to ABC's Jake Tapper for challenging Press Secretary Robert Gibbs over that "not really anews outlet" statement. Wonder what his status is in the White House press pool these days? Think he's getting many questions answered?
Tune in for more developments...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What is happening to this country?

Conservative radio titan Rush Limbaugh is squeezed out of a consortium seeking to purchase a football team in his home town. By whom - Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? On what basis? He was invited to join the investment group. They came to him; he didn’t go to them. Yet, he’s just been pushed out under pressure from the two best known “racial hustlers” in the nation. How can this be?
A New York high school student and Eagle scout, with an appointment to West Point, is given a 30-day suspension from school for having a two-inch pocket knife, as part of a survival kit, locked in the trunk of his car. New York law does not even consider such a knife to be a “weapon”. Yet, the suspension stands anyway. How can this be?
After a summer rife with town hall meeting protests, we’re about to have a health bill, full of onerous provisions that nobody wants, rammed down our throats. It seems that no one in Washington is listening: We do not want our health care system turned up side down to benefit a small percentage of the legitimate US population. Yet Congress and the White House are pressing on anyway. How can this be?
Our Secretary of State, announcing an agreement to allow Russian scientists and Military officials inspection access to our nuclear defense sites, failed to get anything tangible in return. She justifies this gaffe with claims that Russia and the US no longer pose a nuclear threat to each other. Does she not understand that Putin is still a KGB operative at heart? Does she not remember that Russia has yet to do anything in the world political arena to benefit our interests? How can this be?
Glenn Beck (Fox TV) has been shouting a warning about the direction this country is headed for weeks. Has anyone been paying attention? How do we turn it around? Can we turn it around?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Yes, I know. It’s been a very long time.

After the election, I was so disillusioned with the result (not to mention the campaign itself), coupled with a whole lot of life change events taking place, that I just stopped writing. To be honest, I had hoped that this blog might have stirred the pot a bit and sparked some response, but so far, not so. Maybe it’s the material. Or the venue. Or, maybe it’s me.

At any rate, with all the lunacy now going on, it’s time to get back into the fray. It does my soul good to get my thoughts out there – it’s cathartic - somewhat like attending a “town hall” meeting.

Speaking of that, anybody been to one of those over the Congressional summer recess? Whose were they? What was the mood? I attended three, two hosted by Congressman Dan Lungren and one held by Congressman Tom McClintock. At two of them, I actually made it inside the room and got a seat! Since these were both presented by Republicans, there was understandably less rancor than what we’ve seen on TV at Democrat events. But the mood was unmistakable. At least 95% in attendance did NOT want the Obama plan in any way, shape or form. And they were quite happy to express that sentiment.

The Sacramento Bee still couldn’t get the story right. But that's no surprise. The Bee, along, with the New York Times, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, Boston Globe, et al, has consistently been in the tank for the Obama agenda.

While the inclusion of a “public option” within the final form of a health care bill seems to be dead, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Dems take advantage of current distractions to quietly push something through that would eventually lead to a single payer system - Obama’s end goal. Why? Because, it’s not about reducing costs.

“It’s about control, stupid!”