Thursday, January 31, 2008


Wow! What an unpredictable political season! Giuliani is suddenly out, McCain apparently in the lead and Romney trailing.

Yesterday it came out that Juan Hernandez, that bearded, slicked-back snake oil salesman who’s touted Mexico’s Vincente Fox’s talking points on Fox News, has now become McCain’s immigration advisor. That’s enough to make me gag, right there.

But wait. There’s more! California actor/governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has just thrown his support to McCain, as well! Why am I not surprised? Sadly, Arnold has proved to be yet another Dem in a GOP disguise. When he consults with in-law “Uncle Teddy” Kennedy on political matters, it’s obvious as to which direction he leans. (Witness his failed attempt at “universal health care” in our state. Even California democrats couldn’t swallow it!)

With that pedigree, how can a died-in-the-wool conservative like me possibly support McCain? What options are left? Thompson caught my ear with his “I believe in tall fences and wide gates” remark, but he’s gone. Some may say “Was he ever really here?” Giuliani wasn’t that strong in my eyes; he’s gone. Huckabee? Not sure about his message and even less sure if he can summon enough support to get to the convention. Can Romney survive?

What troubles me is the indication that both parties have taken a decided turn to the left. As such, if a Republican is elected, I suspect my core issue - illegal immigration - will again suffer from “benign neglect”. Nobody wants to touch it. If a Democrat gets in come November, the floodgates will open. I fear for this country’s future if that happens!

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