Friday, March 26, 2010

GOP accused of threats?

While observing the Obamacare drama unfold over the past several days, I've noted the Democrat leadership's failed attempts to provoke Obamacare protestors and then attempt to hide their legislative misdeeds behind accusations of claimed epithets,racial slurs and threats of violence against various members of Congress. While predictably, the U.S. news media has taken a very pro-Democrat stance, and despite the presence of private and news media cameras, no evidence of any kind has surfaced to back up their claims.

Today, the Sacramento Bee published an editorial titled: "What hath the GOP unleashed?", in which the Bee's editorial board attempts to lay blame on the GOP for these claimed "attacks".

I simply couldn't swallow any more of this malarky, so I sent them the following letter:


Ladies and Gentlemen:

This latest editorial - “What hath the GOP Unleashed?”, goes beyond the pale. I’ve simply got to ask the Sac Bee Editorial Board: How does it feel to be a shill for the progressive left? How stupid do you think the American citizen is? Anyone with a grade school education can figure out the game Democrat leaders are playing. They’re following a game plan that author Saul Alinsky laid out decades ago. Haven’t you read “Rules for Radicals”? It’s so obvious, it’s positively painful to watch!

Democrats are in big trouble. Their party has been hijacked by the progressive left. They’ve antagonized American taxpayers with forced Obamacare and they’re desperate for a smokescreen to hide behind. That screen is - once again - the race card. Saturday’s Congressional Black Caucus march directly through a crowd of Obamacare protestors and Sunday’s Pelosi-led parade (while carrying a sledge-hammer sized gavel) again, through the same crowd, were both designed to do one thing – provoke an angry response. Both attempts failed. Alternative routes were available. Yet both Congressional groups chose to arrogantly flaunt their power.
When the desired response failed to materialize, Democrats had to manufacture a few. Yet, with all the media-fed hoopla over these “incidents”, it’s fascinating to note that despite so many cameras present, no episode was caught on tape. Accusers have no evidence; when questioned closely, details become vague.

Passage of Obamacare truly is an historic milestone - historically corrupt and historically partisan. Americans know what’s at stake. We’ll exact our retribution for Democrat treachery at the ballot box come November - and in 2012.


Haven't heard anyting from them yet. I wonder if they'll even bother to respond...